Our Corporate Advisory Team advises in the following areas:-
- Recruitment Process Outsourcing
XpRienz is a young entrepreneurial Singapore-based Human Resource Solutions Firm. One of our focus areas is in junior and middle management executive search. The industries that our boutique executive search service caters to include:-
- Food and Beverage
- Engineering
- Security
- Finance
Today, junior and middle management executives are mainly made up of the Generation “Y” group. People who fall into this group have generally less loyalty to the organizations that they work for compared to their preceding generations. As such, being able to secure Generation Y employees that remain loyal to the organization for the short to middle term can pose to be a challenging task. As a commercial organization, attrition rate is one of the figures that we want to minimize. It is essential that an organization possesses a capable, self-improving and loyal Generation Y employee base in order to for it to grow and make a difference within and across industries. Furthermore, it is this particular generation of people that will probably lead companies and markets into the next few business cycles.
We provide the following professional human resource advisory services to our clients and their employees.
Training prior to commencement of employment
- Appraisal designing
- Corporate culture creation and definition
- People and change management
- Work redesign
- Various forms of corporate training